Monday, January 23, 2006

Wordhunt on TV

BBC - History - Programmes - Balderdash and Piffle

Websters Online Dictionary
A dictionary and thesaurus, with details of modern and ancestral languages.

A collaboratively-produced, wiki-based dictionary of definitions and translations.

World Wide Words
Word master Michael Quinion writes about international English from a British viewpoint.

Etymologic: Word Game
Test your knowledge of words and their origins in 'The Toughest Word Game on the Web'.

Welcome to OED Online. We're giving access to the OED so you can explore words with the new BBC TV series Balderdash and Piffle, now running in the UK (more about the series). Until 13 February, you can use the OED to look up any word starting with the letters featured in the programmes—or pick a quick link to see one of the words highlighted this week.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Manx Dictionary

Index of /Dicts/Manx

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y,

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Gaelic Dictionaries Online

Manx Gaelic / Gaelg
Fockleyr Gaelg - Baarle
An online copy of Phil Kelly's Manx-English dictionary, derived from an older English-Manx dictionary.

If you have an Acrobat PDF browser (like Acrobat Reader), there is another copy available.